Wood Farm Primary School

A Curriculum of Ambition, Beauty and Connection

At Wood Farm School we follow the National Curriculum for England - some subjects (such as mathematics, PE, or parts of the English curriculum) are taught as sequences of lessons throughout the year. In other areas of the curriculum much of our learning is centred around an exciting half-termly research project. You’ll find information here about the curricular projects we plan for children from Reception up to Year 6. 

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 Our shared school values - Ambition, Beauty, and Connection - run through our planned school curriculum. Scroll down to read more about our values in action, or click here to read about how we structure learning projects.

Listen to Julia, one of our Year 3 teachers, talk about how the school values inform her approach to the curriculum and her teaching:

Ambitionaspiration and aiming high

We approach everything we do with high ambitions: we try to do things well, and have high expectations of ourselves and of what children can achieve – whatever their starting points or their individual needs. We want our children to value being bold and ambitious, and to be able to reflect on how they are learning and what helps them to succeed.


Beautyappreciating quality

Throughout their time in school children should have the opportunity to create work of quality, that they value and that endures. They should grow to know and value the beauty of the natural world, and those things that people have created – including music, words, and works – that are beautiful. They should come everyday to a school that is cared for by the people who use it, and that communicates the importance of what we are doing together.

ConnectionI am, only because we are

Our children will know about the value of - and will have good skills to make - connections with each other. They will learn about their place in an interconnected world. We will put particular emphasis on the progress children make in skills that help them to connect and to understand: confidently reading and writing, and speaking & listening, developing empathy and awareness of each other and themselves. Our staff will be highly skilled in building and maintaining connections with children, and in creating strong trusting relations with children and families.

In planning our curriculum we have thought about the different types of connection that we want children to make - and the skills and knowledge they need to make connections with other people, and to be fully part of an interconnected world:

Our school curriculum contains all the subjects in the National Curriculum for England, along with our curriculum for Religious Education, and our approach to relationships and Health education. 

Statutory school information