Wood Farm Primary School

School Experience

If you are thinking about a career in teaching, or are in the process of applying for a place on a teacher training course, you may be looking to gain experience of working in a primary school.  We receive lots of requests from people who would like to join us on a voluntary basis, sometimes for just a few weeks or sometimes over a longer period, in order to build up their experience of working in a school environment.

Wherever possible we are happy to accommodate people who share our vision of outstanding primary education, and who are wanting to explore the possibility of working in a school.  In some cases people who have joined us on a voluntary basis have gone on to train to teach with our partners at Oxford Brookes University or the Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance.

If you are interested in School Experience opportunities please contact us.

Safeguarding requirements: keeping children safe in school is our highest priority, and we require all adults, including volunteers, to adhere to our safeguarding and child protection procedures.  We will require background checks and identity checks for anyone undertaking regular voluntary work in our school, and volunteers will need to understand and adhere to our Code of Conduct for Volunteers.

Click here to visit our Safeguarding pages.

Statutory school information