Wood Farm Primary School

Joining us - FAQs

We'd love to welcome you to our school, and chat to you in person about Wood Farm Primary and what we think are the things that make us special.

Please contact us to arrange a time to visit. In the meantime here are one or two of the things that people are often interested to know when they visit us:


 How many children are in the school, and how are classes arranged?

We have two classes in every year group. Children have their own class with their own classroom and teacher, but they also often have the chance to work with other children in their year group, and meet up at playtimes and lunch times.

In Reception we have two classes, with separate teaching and learning areas. There is a beautiful, open outdoor garden which is shared between both classes - children use this throughout the day and all year long.

Do children at Wood Farm School go on many trips and visits?

Yes, we think a very important and special part of learning at primary school is making connections and learning about the world beyond school. In every year group children have the chance to meet visitors in school and to go off-site with their classes and teachers. We take children to explore their local area, and to take advantage of all the wonderful resources in Oxford. We have an active partnership with New College in the university, and with a primary school in the Eastern Cape in South Africa. In Year 4 and Year 6 children have the opportunity to stay away overnight with us at Hill End, here in Oxfordshire, and in south Wales.

Do you have after-school childcare, and a Breakfast Club?

Yes, we have an after-school club that runs everyday, offering high-quality child-care with places available for children in our school. We also have a free breakfast club that operates each morning before school from 7:45 am.

Do you have a school uniform?

Yes, we have a simple and practical uniform that all children wear to school. You can find more details here.

Do you run after-school activities and clubs?

Yes, we have lots of different activities throughout the year that children can get involved in after-school, and often during the school day. These include School Council, music and instrument lessons and after school sports and arts activities. This year this includes: Comic Club, school band, multi sports, football (boys' and girls' teams) and Storymakers art group.

What does Ofsted say about Wood Farm? What are your results like?

Our last inspection was in 2022, when we were graded Outstanding in leadership and management, and Good overall. Wood Farm Primary has consistently been graded as a good school for many years, and we have a very experienced staff team who are passionate about our school and primary education. In their report Ofsted said the we 'transform pupils’ life chances through removing barriers to ensure all pupils get a top-quality education.'

Our pupils reach standards that are consistently at or above national average in national tests and assessments.

Do children learn a foreign language?

Yes - all the children learn French at our school, from Year 3 upwards. Many of our children - around a third of the school - speak a second language as well as English, and around 40 different languages are spoken by the children at Wood Farm, as well as English. We have lots of experience helping children who have joined Wood Farm as their first school in the UK.

Statutory school information