Wood Farm Primary School

Forest School

Forest School is a child-centred, inspirational learning process - through play, exploration and supported risk taking it helps children build confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

We are very fortunate to have our own, beautiful forest school site on our school grounds: an enclosed area of natural wood and grassland, where small groups of children can take part in a programme of outdoor learning activities - all led by a member of our own staff who has been trained in forest school leadership.

Spending time outdoors, and connecting with the natural environment is so important to children's mental health and wellbeing. Forest school gives children opportunities to learn through exploration, play, and to build confidence through taking risks.

Typically children join a forest school group for a six-week programme, with a one hour session each week at our outdoor site. Learning together in a group helps children to build team work skills and positive relationships, and we focus on good communication and language development - along with all the confidence and well-being benefits that come from spending time outdoors and from learning new skills, like using tools and fire safely.


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