Wood Farm Primary School

See the curriculum by subject

At Wood Farm Primary School we teach all the subjects in the National Curriculum for England. In addition there are some subjects that are not included in the national curriculum but are taught throughout our school, for example RSE, and Religious Education. We include lots of different subjects in the school day, but by 'school curriculum' we also mean all those things we teach children during their time with us that are not necessarily limited to particular subjects. Examples include things like learning how to get on well together, to solve problems and to develop healthy and safe habits for life.

Click on the page links below to explore the different subjects that we teach at Wood Farm Primary School. (This page is being developed and content added. Not all links may function at the moment).

- Phonics- Reading- Writing

- Mathematics

- Science

- Art and design


- Design and technology

- French

- Geography

- History- Music

- PE and Sport

- Relationships

Statutory school information