Wood Farm Primary School

Writers' Club

At Wood Farm School we are passionate about writing.  As well as all of the wonderful writing that we do in our learning across the school our Writers' Club Residentials have given groups of enthusiastic writers in key stage 2 the opportunity to stay away overnight, in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside, and immerse themselves in their writing and creative thinking!


children writingWe might work on poetry, descriptive writing or storytelling, or we might explore one of William Shakespeare's plays together.  Sitting around the campfire late at night, or looking up at the stars as we walk back to our beds at the top of the hill, or sometimes just taking a quiet moment to sit beneath a broad horse chestnut tree - we never know when inspiration for some great writing will hit us!

Click on the gallery below to see some more pictures of our past residentials:




Soft, ragged brown coats; their fur as smooth as velvet.

Serious faces, chewing ponderously; their moody eyes staring.



They move through the field.



Mare’s tail


A single hair, plucked from a giant’s beard.


A palm tree, swaying softly in a late summer zephyr.


A big, bushy pen for the elves of the forest to write with.


A torch, with burning emerald flames licking the night air.

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