Wood Farm Primary School



The governing body is the strategic decision making body of the school.  Its role is to set the school's overall direction, ensure that we manage our finances effectively, and to hold the school leadership to account for the school's performance.

Governors are volunteers who bring their outside experience into the school, to act as 'critical friends'.  The governing body meets throughout the year: the full governing body meets six times a year and there are also a range of committees that look at different aspects of the work of the school.

Governors act as 'critical friends' of the school

Governors get involved in the life of our school as much as they can - whether by volunteering to help at a school event, taking part in a year group project, or by just visiting to keep up to date with our work and learning.

Membership of the Governing Body of Wood Farm Primary School and The Slade Nursery

PDF icon Current members of the governing body

PDF icon Attendance register 2018/19

PDF icon Record of declaration of business interests

How the Governing Body Works

PDF icon Committee structure and key governor roles

Terms of reference: what different committees do

PDF icon Provision & Outcomes PDF icon Premises, Personnel, & Finance PDF icon Children, Families, & Community


You can contact the governors if you wish by writing to the Chair of Governors, c/o the school office:

Hugh Turner Chair of Governors Nick Swarbrick Vice Chair of Governors

Information for governors

Statutory school information