Wood Farm Primary School


Download a uniform information sheet here:

 Uniform 2024/5

To contact us about uniform orders please email us at uniforms@wood-farm.oxon.sch.uk

We have a simple school uniform that is worn by all children in the school:

  • White school shirt or polo shirt*
  • Navy blue school sweat shirt*

(Items marked * can be purchased from the school office and feature the school logo)

  • Trousers or skirt (grey) or blue checked summer school dress
  • Black school shoes, or trainers in black or dark colour

Our uniform is designed to be practical, easy to clean and good value for money.  Our school uniform is also an important part of our behaviour policy: it helps all of our children to have a sense of belonging, and to take pride in being part of our school.For PE and Sports children will need a plain white T-shirt* and a pair of plain navy blue or black shorts, or jogging bottoms. (*white school T-shirts with our logo can also be bought from the office)

Statutory school information