Wood Farm Primary School


Ensuring that children are safe and well cared for is our highest priority.  We work with parents and other agencies, including our Local Authority, to make sure that children are kept safe, both in school and beyond.

The principle Designated Leads for Safeguarding are:

Mr D. Lewin (Head teacher)

Mrs G. Connelly (Deputy head teacher)

The other members of staff with designated lead responsibility for child protection are:

Ms H. Barton (Deputy head teacher)

Miss L. Holman (Deputy head teacher)

Miss S. Fellows (Y5 & 6 phase leader)


Staff members with designated lead responsibility undertake regular specialist training in safeguarding and child protection.

All members of staff and regular volunteers receive training in child protection, and we undertake comprehensive background checks on all adults working in the school.

Click here to read our Child Protection policy (to be confirmed by governors at the first full meeting of the year).

You can also download our Anti-bullying policy and our Behaviour policy here.




If you are worried about a child you can speak to Mr Lewin, Mrs Connelly or another safeguarding lead directly.  Members of the public who have concerns about a child or want advice can also contact the NSPCC Helpline, by calling: 0808 800 5000

Sharing information

We recognise that all matters relating to child protection are confidential, and we take steps to protect information about children - for example by only sharing information with colleagues on a 'need to know' basis.  However, all our staff have a professional duty to share information with other agencies in order to safeguard children.  We will always undertake to share our intention to refer a child to Social Care with their parents/carers unless to do so could put the child at greater risk of harm, or impede an investigation.  For more details on information sharing please see our child protection policy.

Statutory school information